Mixad klass motion




Lö 2022-08-13

Nr Grupp Tid Lag Resultat Plats Anm
754 Mix 16:00 ATP Trim - Jureskogs 5-0 (WO) Plan 1 B-Semifinal 2
757 Mix 16:15 Omegapoint - Jörgens Juggar 10-11 Plan 1 A-Semifinal 2
756 Mix 16:15 Beach of Finance - Valsätraskolan 12-6 Plan 2 A-Semifinal 1
755 Mix 17:15 AE Sales - ATP Trim 7-6 Plan 1 B-FINAL
758 Mix 17:45 Beach of Finance - Jörgens Juggar 9-12 Plan 1 A-FINAL